

Click below for information and contact details for the relevant committee. If any section needs updating please contact the website team to update content.

Executive Committee
Cathaoirleach (Chairperson)Donagh O'Farrell[email protected]
Leas-Chathaoirleach (Vice Chair)John Ryan
Runaí (Secretary)Paul Manning[email protected]
Cisteoir (Treasurer)Cathal Fitzgerald[email protected]
Leas-Chisteoir (Assistant Treasurer)Susan McManus
Cláraitheoir (Registrar)John Small[email protected]
Oifigeach um Chaidreamh Poiblí (PRO)Sinead Ryan[email protected]
Ball Tofa (Ordinary Member)Siobhán Monaghan
Ball Tofa (Ordinary Member)John Kirwan
Appointed by Outgoing Executive
Oifigeach um Chosaint Leanaí (Child Protection Officer)Daire McPhaidin
Ionadaí na n-Imreoirí (Players Representative)Darren O'Reilly
Oifigeach na Gaeilige (Officer for Irish and Culture)Séamie O'Neill
Appointed by Incoming Executive
Cathaoirleach um Fhorbairt Cóitseála agus Cluichí (Chair of Coaching and Games Development)Paudi O'Neill
Cathaoirleach, Cluichí na nDaoine Fásta (Chair of Adult Games)Eoin Dunne
Cathaoirleach, Cluichí na nÓg (Chair of Juvenile Games)Gerry White
Urraíocht agus Tiomsú Airgid (Sponsorship and Fundraising)Mark Mellett
Forbairt (Chair of Development (Grounds and Infrastructure)John Ryan
Cothabháil Áiseanna (Facilities Maintenance)Vivian Ruddy
Beár agus Sóisialta (Bar and Social)Jack Nolan
Upon Leaving Office
Iar-Cathaoirleach (Previous Chairperson)N/A for current year
Adult Football Committee 2024
RoleNameEmailPhone Number
ChairmanDonal Griffin[email protected]876613570
Vice ChairmanJack Nolan[email protected]872366622
SecretaryDave Rusk[email protected]872345605
TreasurerMick McDonald[email protected]868391110
RegistrarJim Keane[email protected]879878433
PROShane O'Brien[email protected]894108314
FundraisingLiam Deane[email protected]876471121
Injury claimsTBC
Board delegatePat Doyle862487247
Pitch Co-OrdinatorDonal griffin
Committee membersPodge Kearney[email protected]868389649
Tony Duffy[email protected]877735105
Ronan Cleary[email protected]861250752
Ger Flaherty[email protected]876599359
Adult Hurling Committee 2024
RoleNameEmailPhone Number
ChairpersonJohn Kirwan[email protected]087 2325609
Vice ChairpersonJohn Ryancruaghenterprises@:gamil.com087 2542214
SecretaryDavid Conway[email protected]087 2222362
TreasurerJohn Small[email protected]087 2203585
RegistrarJohn Small
PROEamonn Treacy[email protected]085 1403915
FundraisingMark Mellett[email protected]087 6727600
Injury ClaimsJohn Small
Board DelegateBilly Coman[email protected]086 2535083
Pitch Co-OrdinatorEamonn Treacy
Coaching Co-OrdinatorJohn Kirwan
Ladies Football Committee 2024
RoleNameEmailPhone number
ChairpersonGer Basquel[email protected]086 8520529
Vice ChairpersonRachel Basquel[email protected]087 6358653
SecretaryAnna Nolan[email protected]085 7284223
TreasurerPaul Mullaly[email protected]086 2453353
RegistrarDeborah Heavey[email protected]086 8090161
Ladies PROEimear Duffy[email protected]087 0649780
FundraisingLynn Mulready[email protected]086 8211973
Jenni O’Connoll[email protected]
Injury ClaimsSonia Worthington[email protected]087 9450335
Board DelegateJimmy Walsh[email protected]
Pitch Co-ordinatorIan Horan[email protected]
Coaching Co-ordinatorDeclan O'Reilly[email protected]
Committee memberPat McGrath[email protected]
Camogie Committee 2024
RoleNameEmailPhone Number
ChairpersonTom O'Donoghue087 7839898
SecretaryRonan Feely[email protected]086 2228010
PitchesTom O'Donoghue087 7839898
Injury ClaimsMark Barnes087 2245008
Childrens OfficerSinead Ni Riain[email protected]
TreasurerEoin Reid087 2450215
P.R.O.Megan Deignan[email protected]
Referee Co-ordinatorSinead Curley087 1317762
RegistrarGeorge O'Shea087 9781757
Juvenile Boys Committee 2024
RoleNameEmailPhone number
ChairmanTony Duffy[email protected]087 773 5105
SecretaryTony Morley[email protected]086 818 9534
TreasurerKaren Straiton[email protected]087 296 4694
RegistrarAmanda Delaney[email protected]087 876 8236
Club CoachTimmy Hammersley[email protected]086 102 9153
CCC1 DelegateGerard McKeogh[email protected]087 648 1780
CCC2 DelegateTony Duffy[email protected]087 773 5105
Fixtures Co-OrdinatorShane Ormsby[email protected]086 382 1049
Referee Co-OrdinatorPaul Manning[email protected]086 815 5501
Children's OfficerHayley Devine[email protected]086 887 7840
Medical ClaimsEnda McMorrow[email protected]086 024 3072
Juvenile Boys PROEamonn Gormley[email protected]086 606 9764
FundraisingBarbara Keary[email protected]086 814 5397
Games Committee RepGerry White[email protected]087 931 2851
Committee MemberAidan Hore[email protected]086 806 2860
Committee MemberAlan Ryan[email protected]086 027 5248
Committee MemberNiall Heavin[email protected]086 408 6563
Juvenile Girls Committee 2024
RoleNameEmailPhone number
ChairpersonClare Keely[email protected] / [email protected]086 2422003
Vice Chairperson/
Camogie Lead
Sinéad Mc Neela[email protected]087 6685597
Vice Chairperson/
Football Lead
Nicola Keogh[email protected]087 4169901
RegistrarEmma Doyle[email protected]087 6401398
TreasurerCiara White086 8652184
Juvenile Ladies PROOrla Carey[email protected]086 3771677
Pitch Co-ordinatorEoin Hughes[email protected]087 2864526
Children’s OfficerRachel Clancy[email protected]086 8517022
FundraisingSinéad Ryan[email protected] / [email protected]087 9458165