One Good Club ‘Be Active’ Step Two, Week One
Step Two ‘Be Active’ was launched on St Patrick’s Day. We started the second phrase by attempting to walk the Circumference of Ireland….3171 kilometres and we asked our club members to walk this walk with us! To go for a walk or a run, wear something Green and of course Boden colours and log the kilometres travelled on our Km tracker. We suggested people walked with their families or socially distance walk with a friend and input the combined distance walked and send us in their photos to our email [email protected]
On a glorious St Patrick’s Day, we walked the Circumference of Ireland twice and made it as far as Galway on the 3rd trip. 333 people inputted a staggering 7,974 kms on behalf of themselves and their families. Kilometres were logged from as far afield as Derbyshire in England, Pamplona in Spain, Limerick City, The Curragh in Kildare and Urhan, Co. Cork (the birthplace of late John O’ Neill) And kilometres were walked in Dublin by our friends in Cuala & Raheny Gaa.
For photos of the day, see here and here
The One Good Club committee would like to thank all our members and wider community for taking part in the 1st stage of our One Good Club initiative ‘CONNECT’.
We were thrilled with the overwhelming response to the call for letters to our local Nursing Homes, the very active participation in our Bake with Hannah and loved the super pictures sent in from all the budding artists in our club.
For photos from phase one Connect, see here