In what is one of the world’s fastest growing sports the Dublin ladies GAA feile provided the opportunity for over FIFTEEN HUNDRED girls (in Dublin alone) to participate in our national game, play for their club and hopefully retain fond memories of a weekend that has become a rite of passage for all juvenile GAA players.

Boden again enjoying the fruits of many years of infrastructural effort was able to field 3 excellent teams in Divisions 1, 3 and 8. Sixty Six girls met at the clubhouse early on Saturday morning to venture out into the feile unknown!

What commenced on Saturday at 8.30 was the culmination of many months of preparation and hard work and the section would like to recognise three key groups for their efforts

Feile Fundraising

This committee led by Michelle Fitzpatrick put in a fantastic effort to raise the funds to superbly kit out the girls and prepare them for the weekend. Michelle’s efforts were also recognised by the girls themselves back in the club on Sunday evening for the traditional post feile Pizza party. Discos, clothes collections, bag packing and raffles don’t begin to explain the amount of work over the many months that Michelle and the team put in.

Feile Hosting

The club was asked to host the Div 1 qualifiers on Saturday and while a great opportunity to showcase the club it does bring huge logistical challenges. However the section and club is lucky to have Kieran Rudden who consistently steps up and takes on jobs that benefit the wider club. Kieran spent the preceding 2 weeks putting together rota’s, food plans and generally ensuring the day ran smoothly. On the day itself despite Kieran’s daughter being involved, he was constantly on hand to deal with queries and manage the day itself. Thanks to Kieran’s call for help we were inundated with refreshments to provide the visiting teams and supporters. The generosity and club spirit shown by members was such that we were able to make a substantial donation of the unused food to Dublin Simon on Saturday evening. It’s fair to say they were extremely grateful and the food was put to good use across the city.

Team management

No team can take to the pitch without the coaches and management teams who give selflessly of their time and the section would like to thank these groups for all their efforts down the years. This weekend doesn’t define either the individual girls, teams or managers and hopefully adults and player have many more years of enjoyment being involved with football in the club. The section appreciates everything that the management teams have done and thank them for a job really well done.

A team

Name Role
Colm Bolger Manager
David Quinlivan Manager
Danny O’Connell Manager
Mandy McCabe Female Liaison Officer

B Team

Name Role
Phelim McCabe Manager
Ian Horan Manager
Ciaran McCarthy

Gerry Duffy



Sonya Worthington Female Liaison Officer

C Team

Name Role
Ken Regan Manager
Stephen Campbell Manager
Loretto Brady Female Liaison Officer


Overall the weekend was a tremendous success with all three teams qualifying out of their groups into semi-finals. When news of this achievement reached the club on Saturday afternoon the buzz it created was palpable. Anything after this was very much a bonus and while the C team fell at semi final stage we are really proud of their efforts and continued commitment to this team. The A and B teams made the final and a huge support from the club travelled to Blakestown on Sunday morning for the Div 1 and Div 3 finals. Despite excellent performances it was not to be and it was clear the girls were disappointed. The supporters felt for them but were so proud of their achievements over the weekend and the standing ovation evidenced that. Back in the club on Sunday evening it was all smiles again and the banter was terrific from the girls of all 3 teams. On behalf of the ladies football section, thank you girls for your commitment to Ladies Football and your club and please let this weekend re-energise your love for our game with many more years of participation to come.

Ladies Football Section