Ballyboden St Endas

Annual Golf Outing – Friday 14 September 2012

It’s your Club – find a tee sponsor for €100

To All Parents of Juvenile Players:
Our Annual Golf Fundraiser outing is on in Edmondstown Golf Club on Friday, 14 September 2012. This Golf outing together with the Club Lotto are vital fundraising events for the Club.
This year the Golf fundraising committee, in addition to raising funds through team and green sponsorship to help the Club meet coaching and development costs, have come up with an innovative way for Parents of Juvenile Players to raise funds for their nominated team / section. Each parent can raise funds for their nominated team / section split on a 50:50 basis. The aim is for each parent to source at least one tee sponsorship of €100 from a contact outside the Club.
The Club Executive is seeking to streamline the number of fundraisers which target the same cohort of supportive Club members. The tee sponsorship initiative is aimed at players, members and parents sourcing a small sponsorship through their contacts outside the Club. The Club will issue a formal receipt for all sponsorships received.
Please do your best to support the sponsorship initiative.
If you have any queries, Liam Deane of the Golf fundraising committee can be contacted on 087 6471121.