Are you one of the ‘Boomerang Kids’? Have you had to move back home with your parents after having flown the coop years ago? Are you back in the bedroom you spent your teenage years in? If so RTÉ would love to hear from you for a documentary. We are looking for individuals and couples who have had to move back to the family home, or in with the in- laws even, in order to save money or for other reasons. We are also looking to hear from the parents who may have been enjoying their empty nest and turned that box room into an office or pool room!

Contact Eimear at [email protected] or call 01 2082543

All the best,

Eimear O’Mahony | Assistant Producer | Documentary Unit

RTÉ Television | Donnybrook | Dublin 4

Phone  +3531 208 2543

Mobile + 353 87 6668329