One Good Club Step Three, Take Notice’

Our members have been busy this week Taking Notice by being present in the moment and have sent in some lovely photos of what they observed. These photos will be put to good use when we put together our photo mosaic which will hang in the Ladies Dressing rooms as a memento of One Good Club. We also suggested ‘Taking 5′, a gratitude practice which helps enhance your mental wellbeing by engaging in the 5-a-day challenge. This entails taking 5 minutes to write down 5 things you are grateful for, for 5 days. Reflecting on these moments has been shown to increase overall happiness and focus on being positive, especially important at the moment in these ongoing Covid-19 times. Some people were happy to share a daily musing of theirs with us.

Our 3rd action for the fortnight was to Take Notice of Jigsaw. To read more about who Jigsaw are and what do they do see here

One Good Club Step Three, Take Notice: An Introduction

There are 5 steps to achieving Mental Well Being. Since the beginning of March, the One Good Club committee have asked our members to CONNECT & BE ACTIVE.

This fortnight we are going to stop, and take a few moments to be aware of what is going on within us and around us. We would like to ask our members to TAKE NOTICE. Take the time to look at your surroundings, look out for the signs of the changing season, appreciate the moment you find yourself in.

We are putting together a mosaic picture which will hang in the new Ladies dressing rooms. We are asking you to capture your moments in a photo, something you have noticed, anything that has made you smile and send it into us.

We are inviting you to be part of a lasting momento in this step by being part of our One Good Club Collage. We need 500+ photos and we need your help in getting them.

We have been sent in some photos already and have made a sample mosaic.

Send your photos into our social media platforms or email to [email protected].

And finally well done to the One Good Club committee on successfully completing Step two, Be Active

Lidl’s One Good Club is a Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme aimed to build and encourage positive mental health promotion in the community. It has been developed in partnership with LGFA and Jigsaw, a youth mental health service.