5th July 2018 – Ballyboden list of Activities
There is much, much more to us than just Football, Hurling, Camogie and Ladies Football.
Click Here to download the list of activities availabe in the club.
April/May 2018 – Youth Mental Health
Following a well-attended and interesting talk given to team coaches and mentors in early April by Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health, two further workshops for our young players were subsequently facilitated by Jigsaw. On April 16th in the clubhouse approximately 40 boys in the 16 to 18 year old age bracket attended a workshop which was facilitated by two staff from Jigsaw. The workshop, which was very well received, gave those attending a greater awareness of what helps and hurts their mental health and also the importance of talking to a trusted adult when they feel down, worried or stressed. They were also advised on how and where to get help if they need it. Subsequently on May 26th a further workshop was held for girls in the 16 to 18 year old age bracket. Again around 40 attended this workshop and the feedback received was very positive. These workshops were provided free of charge by Jigsaw and the club made a donation to support the very valuable work carried out by this organization.
It is planned to have similar workshops later in the year to facilitate the inclusion of as many of our young players as possible. If any coaches/mentors are particularly interested in having their players involved in future workshops please contact Maretta Byrne, Health and Wellbeing Officer at [email protected].
The direct contact details for Jigsaw are:
Jigsaw Tallaght
Tel: 01 464 9350
Email [email protected]
10th April 2018
On Monday evening 9th April a very enlightening and interesting talk was given in the club by Christine Donovan of Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health. The talk “One Good Coach – Promoting Young People’s Mental Health” was organized by the Ballyboden St. Endas Health and Wellbeing Committee and was attended by over 40 team coaches and mentors as well as members of the Club Executive. It focused on giving our coaches and mentors a greater awareness of how to promote and support young people’s mental health. In particular it highlighted how to recognize some of the signs that a young person may be struggling with their mental health and to learn the value of listening as a way of supporting young people.
On Monday 16th April Jigsaw will be speaking to some of our 16 to 18 year old players to give them an understanding of mental health and the importance of talking to a trusted adult when they feel down, worried or stressed.

15th March 2018 – Ballyboden Healthy Clubs Programme
Ballyboden St Enda’s has been selected to participate in the GAA Healthy Clubs Project which aims to transform GAA clubs into health enhancing clubs for their communities. This means that going forward the club will be supported in its efforts to make our club more health conscious. While physical health is a key part of the club’s activities already we also need to focus on the mental health and emotional wellbeing of our players and our broader membership base. The Boden Health and Wellbeing Committee have met with Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health, and have engaged them to do a number of talks in the club during April. The first of these talks (One Good Coach – promoting young people’s mental health) will take place in the club hall on April 9th, starting at 7.30pm and taking about 90 minutes. This talk is aimed at coaches, mentors and interested parents. It focusses on giving participants a greater understanding of mental health and the key issues impacting on the mental health and wellbeing of our young people. It also aims to give participants a greater awareness of how to promote and support young people’s mental health in their roles as coaches and mentors.
The Healthy Club Project and this important initiative around mental health has the full support of the Club Executive. Representatives of the Executive will be attending and each team is expected to provide at least one coach/mentor to attend this talk. Further talks to be held in April will be focussed on our players in the 16 to 18 year old range to give them an understanding of mental health and to gain an awareness of the importance of talking to a trusted adult when they feel down, worried or stressed.
Maretta Byrne
Health & Wellbeing Officer (HWO)
Ballyboden St Enda’s