Coaching News

August 22, 2024
Registration for 2016 & Boden Og Members

We are delighted that registration is now open for members born in 2016, 2017 and 2018. 2017 and 2018 members will be part of Boden Og and full details can be found here. Links are below 2016     Register here 2017     Register here 2018     Register here We look forward to welcoming our new…

July 1, 2024
FÓGRA – Timmy Hammersley

FÓGRA – Best wishes to Timmy Hammersley as he takes up a new opportunity. The Club wishes to let members know that our Coaching and Player Development Manager (CPDM), Timmy Hammersley has informed us that he’ll be departing from the role of CPDM at the end of August, to take up a position in the Ombudsman for Children’s…

June 19, 2024
Award One Certs Presentation

Presentation of Award One Certs agus Rudaí Eile. On Monday June 17th a large crowd assembled in the Club Hall for the Presentation of Award One Certs to 35 of our coaches who have completed the Award One Course in Iomáint agus Peil. Buíochas faoi leith le Rachel Ruddy agus Michael Darragh McAuley who attended…

November 5, 2023
Notice: Gym restrictions due to upgrade works

**Notice** Due to upgrades in the gym starting Monday 6th November, the gym with have limited equipment in use until the refurbishment finishes on Friday 17th November. The gym will still be open during this refurbishment apart from Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th when it will be closed for health and safety reasons. Thank you…

August 23, 2023
Project to Support Hurling and Camogie in our schools

At the Hurling review meeting in November 2022, one of the priorities identified was to support our local Primary and Second Level schools in promoting Hurling and Camogie. We are now calling on some coaches to support this initiative. We are looking for coaches to commit to 6 weeks in one of our local schools….

August 16, 2023
Summer Coach Education Series

The last of our Summer Coach Education series took place last Friday on the All Weather pitch and this time it was the turn of LGFA and Gaelic Football. The two main themes of the session were tackling and support play. The workshop was aimed mainly at the U13 to U16’s coaches with 21 coaches…

June 23, 2023
Boden Boys Festival of Football & Hurling

We are delighted to bring the “Ballyboden St Endas Festival of Football & Hurling” to our juvenile boys for July 2023. This is a huge opportunity for all of our players to participate in weekly internal tournaments and enjoy lots of games in the sun (hopefully!).   There will be weekly games for each age…

May 30, 2023
Gaelic Football & LGFA Communities of Practice

85 of our Ladies & Mens football coaches gathered at 8am last Saturday morning for our Gaelic Football & LGFA Communities of Practice seminar. The aim of the session which was held in St Colmcilles National School, was develop a framework for how we coach & prepare our football and ladies football teams. The seminar…