Club Lotto Results, Thursday 6th February 2025.
The winning numbers in tonight’s Club Lotto Draw are 19, 11, 24, 22.
Níor bhuaigh duine ar bith an Phóta Oir of €4,000.
Agus bhuaigh ceathrar an ‘Match First 3 numbers drawn draw’ each winning €75.
The winners are Martha O’Donoghue, Eileesh Barry, Paul Griffin & Jackie Dunne.
Join the Lotto by clicking here. For more information on the Lotto, see here Seans gur tusa an buaiteoir an seachtain seo.
Cuidigh leis an gclub, glac páirt sa Lotto anois. Our club lotto plays a vital role in contributing to our finances. This funding is vital to ensure that we have the financial resources to maintain our superb facilities. If you have any queries about the Club Lotto, please email [email protected]
The weekly Club Lotto draw takes place in the club. The Lotto numbers are selected using an online random number generator and the draw is video recorded and observed by at least three members of the Lotto Committee.