Membership Card – Changes to Bar Pricing
Every Club member, born before the Year 2000, who has paid their membership fee for 2014, should have received their membership card by now. If you haven’t received your card yet, membership cards will be available for collection in the front office of the club on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th from 9pm until 10.30 pm. Cards will not be posted due to costs and will not be available from the bar staff unless by prior arrangement with the Club Registrar.
Existing members should also check with playing section officers and team mentors as some cards have been distributed through the sections and have still not been collected by members. If the card is not with the playing section, you may contact the Chairman of the Registration Committee Liam Carter at [email protected] , and Liam will endeavour to obtain a new membership card for you as soon as possible.
The membership card in the past has been just that —- a membership card. However with effect from Monday 6th October, all that will change. From that date, there will be 2 bar price lists introduced by the bar manager Michael Farrell (at the request of the Executive) and the members price (the cheaper one) will only be available to members who produce their membership card to conduct the transaction.
The membership card can be activated in 2 ways:
- You can go into the bar and give the bar staff member on duty a sum of money (say € 20). This money will be credited to your account on the membership card and you can use it to purchase drink or food, whenever you wish. Every time you make a purchase using your card, your balance will appear at the end of your receipt. We recommend that members avail of the new membership card system in this manner.
- Alternatively, if you have no cash value on your card, you can still use it by presenting the card to the bar staff member on duty and paying by cash in the usual manner. This method will also allow you to purchase goods at the member’s price.
So please ensure that you bring your card with you when visit the club! If you haven’t received your card, please ensure that you collect it in the next few weeks.
Brendan Moran, Club Chairperson