The Annual Poc Fada returns on Saturday in Cherrryfield. There are two events taking place. The Juvenile Section will have 17 teams participating over a specially designed course. The first team will be “on the tee” at 10.30am. The presentation will take place after the last team finishes at approxiamately 12.15pm.

The Adult event will start at 5.00pm sharp and there are 20 teams taking part.  The teams of three will consist of members of our Adult teams and each team will have one Senior A player.  Teams “tee-off” at 8 minute intervals and will navigate their way around a specially designed course in Cherryfield.  Each team will be accompanied by an independent referee to ensure the rules are adhered to! The course will be challenging but fair. Accuracy will be rewarded.

There will be a barbeque in the club from 7.00pm.  All are welcome. Please join us for a fun filled event and a social evening with our Adult players.

The Adult Hurling Section is indebted to Ardstone for their sponsorship of the event