Cúig spás fágtha.. cláraigh anois agus scaip an scéal!
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Would you like to revisit some of your favourite songs in Irish?
These bilingual on-line singing classes are designed to introduce or reacquaint participants with some of our best loved songs in Irish such as:
- An Poc ar Buile
- Óró, ‘s do Bheatha ‘Bhaile
- Peigín Leitir Móir
- Gleanntáin Ghlas’ Ghaoth Dobhair
- Amhráin na Nollag
Téarma 6 Seachtaine. Gach Máirt ag tosú 10 Samhain
These classes will be delivered through Webex at 8 o’clock every Tuesday from 10/11/20 to 15/12/20 Download the Webex Meetings App now
- Costas 20 Euro
- Tuilleadh Eolais: [email protected]
Á chur i láthair ag Baile Buadáin le Gaeilge 2020 in éineacht le Fondúireacht Sheosaimh Mhic Dhonncha.
Fill in your details below and book your place!